Sunday, April 6, 2008

Nike+ Sport Band

Nike is launching a new initiative for its Nike+ program. First, the Nike+ SportBand. Similar to the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, which monitors a runner’s pace. However, the more advance SportBand can do a lot, including displaying information on time, distance, and calories burned. After a run, the electronic unit can be detach and conveniently plug into a USB port for uploading data to the The Nike+ SportBand is a tool for serious runners who wants to run without the distraction of music.
However, every gadget geek knows that a hardware is only as good as its software. So Nike is upgrading its Nike+ online experience. Soon, member of Nike+ community can retain the help of an online coaching program. The Nike+ Coach will employ training regimes depending on the need of the runner. For runners with advanced skill level, Nike+ Coach will let them customize their own training regimes. The program will also allows runners to train as a group and create virtual competition with other groups. Additional tools include a
Google Map to highlight running routes and a runner’s blog simple named “The Forum”.
Both Nike+ SportBand and Nike+ Coach will be available next Thursday, April 10th.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Nike sportband is an awesome piece of product